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Hot Water Tank Removal and Replacement Service

Brent Alward • Feb 07, 2024

Hot Water Tank Replacement Service

For professional hot water tank replacement service in Kelowna, trust our experts for gas and electric water heater installation. If you've decided to have someone look at your water heater, our licensed water heating technicians offer expert maintenance and repair services. For replacements, you can choose to go with the same make and model or anything else that's available. If you want to move over from a storage tank type to a tankless model, we'll be happy to look at options and provide a quote for the work.

We specialize in water heaters (including boilers) for maintenance, repair and installation. Contact us for a project quote and reliable, professional service.

Hot Water Tank Replacement

While water heater repair and maintenance can help resolve minor issues, there comes a time when a replacement is necessary to ensure an efficient hot water supply for your home. A water heater replacement will improve energy efficiency, reduce the risk of leaks and malfunctions, and provide better overall performance.

When considering a water tank replacement, it is important to consult with a professional to determine the best option for your specific needs. We will assess the condition of your current hot water tank and recommend the most suitable replacement based on factors such as the size of your home, your water usage and budget.

By investing in another hot water heater, you can enjoy improved hot water supply and avoid the inconvenience and potential damage associated with a failing unit, like a sudden leak, which can flood your basement unexpectedly. With regular maintenance, a new hot water heater replacement will provide reliable hot water again for years to come, giving you the peace of mind you expect from a professional work.

Hot Water Tank Repair and General Maintenance

When it comes to hot water tank service, it's important to address any issues as soon as they arise to prevent further damage and potential safety hazards. Over time, hot water tanks will develop a leak or two, rust will be visible on an old tank, etc.

It's recommended to set up a schedule where you do things like look at the anode rod and check the overflow valve. This should also include checking for corrosion, and sediment buildup. A hot water tank flush is often necessary to remove sediment and mineral buildup that can affect the performance and efficiency of the tank. Some common signs that you need to replace your hot water tank include discolored or foul-smelling water, insufficiently heated water, strange noises coming from the tank, and visible leaks. If you're not comfortable with tasks like this, you'll want to to hire a licensed professional to make sure the job is done correctly.

Ignoring issues ahead of the need to replace a hot water tank will usually lead to unnecessarily expensive repairs down the road, and can even result in the need for a full replacement long before the tank would normally need to be replaced.

Regular maintenance is an easy thing to do yourself, but if you would rather have a pro take care of it for you, call us during office hours for a free estimate.

Signs To Look For When Your Hot Water Tank is Failing

It's important to be aware of the signs that indicate your hot water system may be failing. The first sign is a noticeable decrease in the ability to heat the water sufficiently.

  • If you find that you're running out of hot water quicker than usual or struggling to get hot water at all, it could be a sign that your hot water tank is on the brink of failure.
  • Another sign to look out for is rust-colored water coming out of your faucets, which could indicate that your hot water tank is rusting on the inside and may soon leak.
  • Strange noises coming from your hot water tank, such as popping or banging, could also be a sign of sediment build-up or other issues that could lead to the need for replacement.
  • Finally, if you notice a large puddle of water around your hot water tank, this is a clear sign of a leak and may require immediate hot water tank installation. Some water from the overflow valve is to be expected, but a large puddle usually spells trouble.

If you notice any of these signs, it's important to contact a professional plumber to assess the situation and determine if a replacement is necessary. Ignoring these signs could result in more costly repairs or potential damage to your home, like rust causing a breakthrough and sudden loss of water, which is not an uncommon occurrence.


When You Know It's Time to Call a Professional 

If you do need your hot water heater replaced, you'll want a professional for that. The first step is to reach out to a licensed plumbing and heating company. A licensed professional is trained to handle all aspects of hot water tank installation, including removal and disposal of the old tank.

They have the expertise to properly size and install a hot water tank, ensuring it meets the specific needs of your home or business. Whether it’s a residential or commercial property, a professional plumber will be able to assess the type of water heater you need and recommend the best solution.

From start to finish, we take care of the entire process, from removal and disposal to installation of a new hot water tank. With our service, you'll have peace of mind knowing your new water heater is installed safely and efficiently.

Don’t hesitate to call us when you know the old tank has to go. We'll take car of everything for you.

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